About Josée Smith

holistic healthJosée Smith, known as the NO Excuse Health Coach, specializes in helping professional women who are sick and tired of being sick and tired of dealing with stress and overwhelm by empowering them to focus on their health and wellbeing so that they have more energy, stay motivated, feel healthier and happier and achieve what they truly want with grace, power and ease.

As a mother of two and successful in maintaining a healthy lifestyle while working full time, Josée understands the challenges that women deal with when it comes to taking care of themselves. But it hasn’t always been that way.

Josée reached a point in her life where her health was suffering from overwhelm, stress and lack of energy. She was sick more often, put on a few extra pounds and could not function as well throughout the day. She felt irritable when arriving home which impacted here relationship with her spouse and children.

She reached a point of being “sick and tired of being sick and tired”. This was a turning point in her life, where she researched and found many alternatives to help her body heal and return to its natural state of wellbeing. She discovered how simple lifestyle choices can have a big impact on your health and vitality.

Josée is the creator of the Turn Stress and Overwhelm into Energy and Vitality system. She has developed several programs to help women reach their health goals faster and easier so they can start living their best years now.

She has a holistic approach, connecting mind, body and spirit, to help working moms achieve the life they truly deserve. Her philosophy is to keep it simple and that laughter is good medicine. She believes that obstacles are opportunities in disguises. Her motto is: “It’s Your Health. It’s Your Choice!”

Her mission is to empower women to build their confidence, find their strength, be unstoppable and live vibrant healthy lives full of energy, vitality and prosperity.

Her personal life involves a caring partner, her two children and two loving cats. She feels a great sense of inner peace and joy when spending time with family, being out in nature, whether in the mountains, at the beach or in the woods.

Josée has completed a 12-Month Health Coach Training Program form Hilton Johnson Productions. She also holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Ottawa. She has mentored and coached numerous smaller and larger diverse teams.

holistic healthHilton johnson Coach Training Graduate holistic health

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