A Natural Solution to Modern-Day Stress-Related Problems

A Natural Solution to Modern-Day Stress-Related Problems

For thousands of years, religious leaders, priests, and monks have used meditation as they search for salvation, revelation, and enlightenment.  Now women who want to attain inner peace can utilize the same principles and through meditation be better equipped to deal with the everyday stresses they face. 

Today, meditation is a scientifically proven method of inducing mind and body relaxation, benefiting people of all ages and cultural background.There are many benefits of meditation and it includes the removal of stress from the body. This is the reason why a lot of women are considering this practice.

meditation, holistic healthMeditation is a means of attaining calm and tranquility. There are so many meditation techniques available to women who want to de-stress and relax. Anyone who knows what to do to meditate can perform meditation anytime and anywhere.

These days, you can meditate while participating in a meeting, going out for a walk, waiting in line or riding the subway. There are also classes specifically for the purpose of teaching people how to mediate. It involves breathing exercises and certain postures.

One of the ways that meditation benefits women who practice, is the way that it produces a deep state of relaxation, which enables you to focus and attend to one thought or object.

The mind is often crowded by nagging worries and negative emotions, which affect a person’s judgment. With the different techniques of meditative practice available to everyone, it is now possible to eliminate chaotic thoughts and the usual mind clutter that leads to frustration and confusion.

Meditation succeeds where other approaches do not seem to help. Since it has been introduced to the West, meditative practices have benefited millions of people who lead happier lives because they are better equipped to deal with any challenge they encounter.

[info_box] Get started today with The Art of Meditation and discover the many wonders of meditation and how you can start your own practice today.[/info_box]

meditation, holistic health

Meditation is also a great anti-stress antidote. When the human body is subjected to either psychological or physical stresses, there are physical changes that occur that negatively impact the body. The fight-or-flight response kicks in. This is the body’s way of preparing the person to “survive” the situation.

This physiologic response can be harmful when the stress is applied continuously, like what happens to women who live a stressful lifestyle. It is therefore not surprising that the incidence of heart disease, hypertension, and other diseases due in part to stress is increasing in modern society.

Western medicine generally focuses on medications in alleviating these conditions and improving quality of life, but this can have several undesirable side effects. Today, many women are looking for other ways, or alternative approaches to help them deal with stress and make themselves much more capable of dealing with any situation that arises without kicking into high stress mode.

Scientific studies have shown that meditation has the opposite effect as the fight-or-flight response. Based on research, the following are the physiological effects of meditation: lowered muscle tension, decrease in blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate, as well as lowered oxygen consumption. These effects are proven to be very good for the body.

Meditation may well be the “de-stressing agent” that women are looking for. Practicing meditation is therefore an effective approach to promoting emotional balance as well as overall good health. Experts today recommend it as a way to deal with stress and to lessen the symptoms of some body ailments.

[info_box] Get started today with The Art of Meditation and discover the many wonders of meditation and how you can start your own practice today.[/info_box]

Your Make It Happen Coaching Action Steps:

1) Close your eyes and take a moment to pause and stop what you are doing.

2) Take three deep breaths and clear your mind of any thoughts.

3) Read the affirmation below out loud.

Affirm to yourself:

“I inhale peace and tranquility and exhale stress and tension.”

Remember, I am here for you, to support and believe in you.

I would love to hear about how meditation works for you towards healthy lifestyle. Please post below.

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Josee Smith is known as the NO Excuse Health Coach specializing in helping professional working women who are sick and tired of struggling with overwhelm and stress to restore their energy and feel healthier and happier! She has designed step by step programs to help professional working women get started, keep focused, and stay motivated to reach their health goals faster than they would on their own. Josee takes a holistic approach, connecting mind, body and spirit, to help women turn stress into energy and vitality and live vibrant healthy lives.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Hi Josee, Thanks for your informative post on meditation and its benefits. I started meditating daily in early 2013 after I experienced several extremely intense years of working as a consultant in the developing world and almost burning out. I have found it to be not only a practice that relaxes, grounds and centers me before I start my day, but it also enables me to be more responsive and less reactive in situations. I have found the 21 day meditation challenges offered by Deepak & Oprah to be a great way to begin meditating. Thank you for shining the light on this important practice. Hugs, Pam

  2. I’m not sure you can share too much about the benefits of meditation. It’s a wonderful practice.

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