How Aromatherapy Helps Balance Your Life

How Aromatherapy Helps Balance Your Life

Are you looking for a natural alternative when it comes to your health and wellbeing?

Women all around the world are searching for natural alternatives that are better suited for their health, their family and the environment.

I have great news!

Aromatherapy and the use of essential oils is on the rise.

aromatherapy, holistic healthAromatherapy has come a long way from simple scented candles to being a truly useful and beneficial practice that has been studied and proven to help balance many aspects of your life.

Aromatherapy can help balance your life, starting with your mind and body. Giving your mind and body this focus will help everything else to fall in place and it all starts with aromatherapy.

What is aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is the practice of using essential oils, extracted directly from a variety of different plants, to create scents that are beneficial to your mind and body. Aromatherapy can come in the form of candles,and many other aromatherapy products such as massage oils or bath oils and salts, soaps, lotions, and much more. All of these products help to release the aromatic scents and other beneficial properties.

What is aromatherapy used for?

Aromatherapy is used for just about everything from simple relaxation, to aiding with actual natural cures for common ailments. Often the method used for the aromatherapy will count for some part of how effective the treatment is. For example, the antiseptic properties of tea tree oil are excellent for simply diffusing in hot steam for acne or other skin infections, but some find that using this oil (mixed into another carrier oil or soap) directly on the skin is also quite effective.

How can aromatherapy help balance my life?

The many benefits of aromatherapy can help you balance your life in many ways. Some of these start with the simple act of relaxing your mind and body. Stress relief should never be underestimated, especially considering many health problems are caused by being over-stressed. For example, simple headaches all the way to powerful migraines can be caused by stress, as well as major body pain and many other seemingly unrelated illnesses.

[info_box]You can find out more in this Free report >>> The Art of Aromatherapy[/info_box]

Aromatherapy balances your life by starting with your mind. The simple act of relaxing your mind, breathing the healing scents in and out in deep breaths, and allowing yourself to release the tension in your body is difficult for many people at first. Relaxing scents like lavender, vanilla, and eucalyptus help you to take your mind off your problems and let the tension melt away.

aromatherapy, holistic healthOnce your mind is calm, your body can start to repair itself. You can sleep better and more soundly, as well as wake more rested than ever before. Aromatherapy can also help you enhance your moods, even to the point of helping to pull you out of a depressive state.

Aromatherapy can help you to recover from illness and also boost your immunity so you can avoid getting sick in the first place. You can give yourself more energy simply by breathing in the energizing properties of scents like citrus or peppermint. Each and every one of these small benefits help you to balance your life, one breath at a time.

It’s truly amazing what a small drop of pure essential oil can do for your entire mind and body. Everything from alleviating pain so you can get back to your tasks, to helping you fight against illness, and helping you to look and feel your best – all of these are just a few of the amazing benefits of aromatherapy. Starting with your mind, and then your body, aromatherapy helps you balance your life naturally.

Would you like to know more on the Healing Power of Essential Oils?

[info_box]You can find out more in this Free report >>> The Art of Aromatherapy[/info_box]

Your Make It Happen Coaching Action Steps:

1) Take a moment to think about one of your favorite scents.
2) Pause and take one deep breath like as if you can smell the fragrance.
3) Write down the sensation you feel.

Affirm to yourself:

“Aromatherapy makes me feel calm and peaceful throughout the day.”

I would love to hear about your experiences with essential oils.  Please post below.

Leave us a comment below and share on facebook.


Josee Smith is known as the NO Excuse Health Coach specializing in helping professional working women who are sick and tired of struggling with overwhelm and stress to restore their energy and feel healthier and happier! She has designed step by step programs to help professional working women get started, keep focused, and stay motivated to reach their health goals faster than they would on their own. Josee takes a holistic approach, connecting mind, body and spirit, to help women turn stress into energy and vitality and live vibrant healthy lives.

This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. I’ve always been drawn to natural scents. When I started using an atomizer for the home and high essential oil concentrated lotions, I noticed I felt better. Now it’s an intentional process. This post is a great starting point for aromatherapy.

    1. Glad to hear that Donna. You will definitely benefit from the oils.

  2. Josee, I’d love to read more about which oils work well for what conditions. I love using oils during meditation as it seems to help transport me deeper into the state of being I’m seeking.

    1. Glad to hear you’re already using essential oils. They truly are beneficial to your health. You can find out more in my free report: Art of Aromatherapy at Happy discovering! :)

  3. Thanks for the reminder of how aromatherapy can help us to relax, Josee. I got out my bottle of lavender essential oil while reading your article and am benefiting from its scent right now :)

    1. Fantastic. Lavender is great for relaxing and sleeping. I usually spray some on my pillow when I go to sleep.

  4. I love essential oils! it’s just fascinating how tiny droplets from different parts of the plants like veins, leaves, flowers, stems, etc., provide the unique scent that distinguishes every type of plant and have so many benefits for our wellbeing.

    1. You got that right. Oils are quite miraculous.

  5. Great informative post Josee! I didn’t realize all the natural healing powers of aromatherapy – now I have NO Excuse to not check it out for myself! :-)


    1. Good to hear Teena. You’ll truly be amazed.

  6. What a rich and informative post, Josee! ~ You’ve inspired me to pull out the sample of peppermint oil I was given last week and dot in on my wrists. Ah…..I’m breathing it in now! :-)

    1. That’s great! Once you get in the habit of using essential oils, you’ll wonder how you ever did without them.

    1. Yes, they are both great. I’m a eucalyptus sniffer myself. I also enjoy jasmine to keep things calm.

  7. You’re speaking my language! I learned new things and was reminded of some wisdom I did know–thank you, Josee. I use aromatherapy as part of the online courses I teach for the Divine Dialogue Writing System.

  8. I love aromatherapy and essential oils, Josee! I believe this is true what you write here: Once your mind is calm, your body can start to repair itself. It is all about getting to the relaxation response. Thanks for your blog today.

  9. Great post. I use lavender daily in bath and as bed and pillow spray, even in my laundry.

  10. I have adopted several dogs with “issues.” Some of the early family members had severe anxiety issues so we used lots and lots of high-quality lavender oil… in the car, in the crate, during thunderstorms. You get the picture. I’d really like to find a variety that will survive our southern summers so I can have it in the yard.

    I’m a big fan of jasmine, citrus and balsam, too.

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