This is Most Definitely Worth Watching and Catching [Video]

This is Most Definitely Worth Watching and Catching [Video]

A key to optimal health and wellness is your attitude. When you’re positive, your outlook on life is bright and your energy level seems boundless.

With a positive mindset, you feel confident and with confidence you experience positive changes in your health, your relationships, your finances, your career and your business.

“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference” – Winston Churchill

Today’s video is about Attitudes.  Have you ever noticed how attitudes are contagious?

It’s so true.  If you have coworkers and friends around you who gossip or complain often, it can bring you down and adversely affect your mood and productivity. In turn, if you are surrounded by upbeat people who have positive attitudes, you can’t help but feel better and be more productive.

Doors open to optimists. They make friends, earn respect, and others enjoy and want to be like them. The question is: How can we do that consistently? It’s all about your Attitude!

Enjoy watching this video filled with 7 rules to help you stay positive.

Watch Here >>> Attitudes Are Contagious 

the joy of mom

Which rule or rules did you relate to?

I particularly like rule #3 Your Health Is Your Wealth If you lose your health, you lose everything… Take time to exercise, catch up on your sleep and eat right.
[info_box]Improve Your Health And Wellness With Positive Thinking…IT REALLY WORKS! Get your FREE Ebook here: The Power of Positive Thinking for Optimal Health and Wellness [/info_box]
These coaching tips summarizes the 7 rules to stay positive shared in the video. By reading them over out loud you will become more optimistic and uplift the energy in your life.

#1 Wait to Worry Only 8 % of what we worry about ever comes true.

#2 Keep an Attitude of Gratitude – Count your blessings and jot them down.

#3 Your Health Is Your Wealth If you lose positive attitude, holistic healthyour health, you lose everything… Take time to exercise, catch up on your sleep and eat right.

#4 Joy Boomerangs – Do something for someone else…the good you do boomerangs back to you!

#5 Learn to Say “No” – We have limits to our time, energy and interests.

#6 Understand the Power of Discipline – If you discipline yourself today, you’ll enjoy your life more tomorrow.

#7 Surround Yourself with Positive People Find people who will challenge you, believe in you and inspire you to improve.

[info_box]Improve Your Health And Wellness With Positive Thinking…IT REALLY WORKS! Get your FREE Ebook here: The Power of Positive Thinking for Optimal Health and Wellness [/info_box]

Your Make It Happen Coaching Action Step:

Identify 3 ways you can switch a negative attitude to a positive one and focus on 1 of them this week.

Affirm to yourself:

” The more I let positive images in my mind, the more alive I feel.”

Remember, I am here for you, to support and believe in you.

What other steps can you take towards keeping a positive attitude?

Leave us a comment below and share on fabcebook.


Josee Smith is known as the NO Excuse Health Coach specializing in helping professional working women who are sick and tired of struggling with overwhelm and stress to restore their energy and feel healthier and happier! She has designed step by step programs to help professional working women get started, keep focused, and stay motivated to reach their health goals faster than they would on their own. Josee takes a holistic approach, connecting mind, body and spirit, to help women turn stress into energy and vitality and live vibrant healthy lives.

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