How Toxins Affect Your Health

How Toxins Affect Your Health

Your body absorbs nutrients and toxins every time you eat, drink, breathe, and come into contact with certain things. For example, you absorb sunlight to get the vitamin D that you need, and you breathe to get the oxygen that’s vital to life. Your skin, lungs, and digestive system are among the largest routes for eliminating toxins, too.

And when you take toxins in, they find their way into your cells, including your fat tissues. Although your body has its own built-in detoxification system, it is not set up to adequately deal with all the toxins that come with life in today’s environment. The growing rates of cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, autism, fatigue, heart disease, infertility, allergies, and obesity seen in modern society have a direct link to toxins inside our bodies.

Even biochemicals are harder for your body to eliminate than they were before outside toxins interfered and led to an overworked system. As a result, your immune system suffers, your metabolism suffers, and you stay tired, sick, and overweight.

[info_box] Discover more on detoxing with this FREE guide: The Ultimate Detox Guide[/info_box]

Toxins play a big part in many physical, mental, and emotional problems that are so common that we have a tendency to chalk them up to “getting older” or “just a normal part of life.”

Many of these issues are inter-related, and some have a direct link to obesity.  Some of the following problems can be caused by toxins (or worsened by them) and might apply to you:

[one_half][fancy_list style=”check_list” variation= “blue”]
Mood swings

Low energy


Difficulty concentrating



Muscle and/or joint pain




[one_half_last][fancy_list style=”check_list” variation= “blue”]

 Lower back pain


Fatty liver disease


Carpal tunnel syndrome

Chronic fatigue

 Premature aging



Skin conditions such as acne


How is this possible?

Long story short, toxins affect the way cells function and over time, they can change cell structure as well. Consider cancer, which is often associated with toxins that the sufferer has come into contact with, and you can see the connection.

We’ve been conditioned to accept toxins in various forms, and to believe that they’re a necessary part of modern life. Living with toxic buildup has been normalized despite the fact that people are fatter and sicker than ever before. Even though people in western nations are living longer, we’re also subject to chronic illnesses that were once rare.

While the body has built-in mechanisms for eliminating toxins (sweating, urination, defecation, and even crying are among them), natural detoxification just isn’t enough. Regularly detoxing can change your life by reversing symptoms. Detoxing gives your body a much-needed break from the constant influx of chemicals, and it allows your system to flush accumulated toxins.

[info_box] Discover more on detoxing with this FREE guide: The Ultimate Detox Guide[/info_box]

Affirm to yourself:

“I create a lifestyle that eliminates toxins to support my health.”

No Excuse Action Step:

Take one step today to reduce toxins from your life either in your environment or food.

Remember, I am here for you, to support and believe in you.

I would love to hear about ways you eliminate toxins. Please post below.

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NOTE: This article is an excerpt from The Red Tea Detox written by Liz Swan Miller.


Josee Smith is known as the NO Excuse Health Coach specializing in helping professional working women who are sick and tired of struggling with overwhelm and stress to restore their energy and feel healthier and happier! She has designed step by step programs to help professional working women get started, keep focused, and stay motivated to reach their health goals faster than they would on their own. Josee takes a holistic approach, connecting mind, body and spirit, to help women turn stress into energy and vitality and live vibrant healthy lives.

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